Control Router Component

The Control Router allows you to select any of the available control Inputs for a single Output. You can select only one Input for a given Output, but you can have the same Input going to all of the Outputs. The Outputs can be individually muted. You can choose one of four Selection Controls: Crosspoint buttons, Knobs, or Combo boxes.






Selects the Input and associated Control Channel going to the associated Output.

  • Crosspoint - provides a column of radio buttons to select one Input for the associated Output.
  • Knob - provides a knob with range equal to the number of Inputs, and a text edit box to enter the number of the Input.
  • Combo-box - provides a drop-down list from which to select the input.

Default = 1

Range = 1 through n up to 512





Input Count

Sets the number of Inputs on the component.


1 to 512 1

Output Count

Sets the number of Outputs on the component.

1 to 512 1

Selection Controls

In the Router Control Panel you can have one of three different type of controls. Knobs, Combo boxes, and Cross-point.

Knobs provide a knob and a text edit box for each Output. When you adjust the value of the knob, you are selecting the Input you want for that Output. You can select the same Input for multiple Outputs.

Combo boxes provides a drop-down list for each Output. You can select the same Input for multiple Outputs.

Crosspoint buttons provide a button matrix and a text edit box. You can click the button for the Input you want for that Output, or click the text edit box and enter the number of the Input. You can select the same Input for multiple Outputs.


Combo boxes 1

Cross-point buttons 1

1. If there are more than 16384 inputs x outputs (128 inputs x 128 outputs), you can select only Knobs as Selection Controls in Properties.

Control Pins

The available Control Pins depend on settings in Properties.

Pin Name




Pins Available

Output n Input n Select 1







Input / Output

Output n Select 2

1 to 512

0.000 to 2.00

0.000 to 1.00

Input / Output

1. Available with Crosspoint buttons only. Provides individual Control Pins for each Input for each output. Both the input and output side Control Pins are "true" when that Input is selected, all other input and output Control Pins for that Output are "false"
2. Available with all Selection Controls. Provides one Control Pin to select any Input for the Output.

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